Friday, April 1, 2011

Start dancing!

Wow: Google’s come up with a technological ‘paradigm-shift’ once again. Throw out your mouse and keyboard – outdated junk – and, after installing gmail motion and checking that your webcam is in position and switched on, just start throwing your arms and legs about in front of your PC, laptop, mobile or iPad. The computer will translate your gestures into commands for email – compose, reply, send, search, go to inbox, etc etc. (you can download their printable guide to check out how wide and varied a choice of gestures is already available).

Soon, thanks to Google’s now-hypnotic clout on what used to be called human minds, we shall see people monkey-dancing before their computers. And more and more, offices are going to resemble bharatnatyam or tai-chi classes. Vive la technologie!

One nasty thought: how am I going to actually compose anything like a long letter or one of these blogposts this way? And what about people with breathing problems and creaking joints?

P.S.: I won't be surprised if this is Google's idea of an April Fool joke. It's happened before. Last year they changed the company's name for a day...


Soham Mukhopadhyay said...

Dear Sir,
This post is really a funny one. Instead of sitting in front of the computer one would have to dance in front of it! What about composing emails on laptops in public places? Every thought of it seems funny to me.

With regards,

Shilpi said...

I have waited awhile to compose myself before sending a comment, and now I am compelled to jot down some very serious points so as not to get side-tracked:

1. Maybe indeed it is an April's Fool prank but either way that doesn't matter because of the matter that you have written for this post.

2. Three parts especially that got the tear-drops glistening in the corner of one eye even if they waited awhile before plonking down a laughing face:
A. the bit about bharatnatyam and T'ai Chi;
B. the problems the blog-author will face while engaged in the composition of a blog-post/essay or a... (what-was-that) - yes, a long letter;
C. the problems faced by individuals who suffer from creaking joints or asthma (although it might benefit asthmatic individuals if they take their required medication and then engage in some minutes of brisk physical exercise while composing on google).

3. You've almost outdone yourself in this post. This one, in my mind, comes alarmingly close to jostling with my favourite bit of writing: your exceptionally profound take on noses. One self says you beat yourself - but on the whole I disagree.

That's all I can muster for the time being. How come you haven't gotten more comments, I wonder.

Arijit said...

The compose gmail action resembles like a traffic policeman controlling the traffic. The Archive and Send resembles to bowling action and the others different parts of gymnastics and Yoga postures.
Most funny part of the post :
"And more and more, officers are going to resemble bharatnatyam or tai-chi classes."
I had heard about touchscreen and voice control now its going to be gesture control.

Rashmi Datta said...

A hilarious post Sir.

Well, Gmail Motion could be considered a breakthrough in health care though: now that people will have something to exert their muscles for!

Doctors may soon recommend Gmail motion as a part of the treatment for the urban health problems of obesity !

Warm regards