Saturday, January 19, 2019

Right royal mess

Prince Philip has just had what could have been a very nasty accident on the road, and escaped without a scratch, though seriously shocked and shaken. See this.

The old fellow was driving his own car. A very heavy vehicle, an upmarket SUV, so how he managed to overturn it is beyond me, especially considering he was merely getting out from a by-road on to a highway, so his speed would have been barely above zero.

The point is, the man is past 97. He is still driving! Makes you wonder. I am only 55 - a babe beside him - and I take a driver with me on every long drive... yet I used to love driving so, once upon a time!

But then, if I had been Prince Philip - his country, his health, his social position, his kind of car - I might have behaved very differently too, now if not at 97.