Friday, May 21, 2010

Hard to love people like this

... and the picture itself should tell you why I can't sympathize with their plight!

It makes me sad that one of the most in-your-face signs that this country is 'developing' is that it is rapidly filling up with folks like this. Makes a nice juxtaposition with millions of emaciated and permanently hungry people, it does.

(nobody I know: just got the photo off the net while researching obesity on google images)


Shilpi said...

Yech. This is grotty and just disgusting. Yes, I have noticed and been saddened that this country too has started displaying more people of this sort…

And then in this other country which started off the fast food and fat food market, and made billions of dollars in the process, these people are clamouring for 'the right to look as they please and eat what they please'. They have Fat Rights Groups - people who believe that fat people are stigmatized and victimized and discriminated against. And then you have the people who study how terribly fat people are discriminated against, and they write about the hegemonic and unfair societal standards regarding body type....

I’ve seen a health inspector no less. A health inspector who was so obese she was waddling along unable to walk or step off the pavement while inspecting the food at a local fair and even her ankles were spilling out of her shoes.

I’ve heard of people who go and participate in ‘eating’ contests where they consume 10 pounds of meat…and their loved ones proudly let others know that her fat one won the contest.

...and there are other things I've seen and heard -
But the strangest story that I read (which had me glinting and laughing) is one where an obese woman in England was beaten up while traveling in the subway. She was beaten up not by a teenage lout out to bully people but by a middle-aged woman who hammered her repeatedly with her heavy handbag while telling her 'Eat less. Eat less...look at yourself! You're a disgrace. Taking up so much much space!'

Sumitha said...

Puss in "Shrek Forever After" was headed along this path :)

Suvro Chatterjee said...

I wrote this post after remembering the complaint of an ex-student who lamented that I had so little sympathy for people who 'suffered' from obesity... I firmly believe that all such sufferers need is a month or two in army boot camp.

Shilpi said...

Hahahah. That would be the best thing that could ever happen to them.....

They don't call themselves obese these days. It's not called the Obese Rights Groups. They call themselves fat. Fat meant something quite different when I was growing up. And there are those terrible liners that are doing the rounds - 'Fat is beautiful.' 'Fat is healthy.'

I don't know why this picture just doesn't go away any more from the window on the chrome screen. Normally your latest post (with/without a picture) shows I'm stuck with half-naked beautiful blubber woman here gobbling down a whole cake.

Suvro Chatterjee said...

I know, I know. And they moan and groan about how much they 'suffer' because of 'hormonal problems' and similar rot (there are doctors galore, alas, who pamper their egos by going along, because the fat usually pay well...), when all they need is three months in army boot camp on a starvation diet! Reminds me again and again about Tagore's magnificent short story about a queen who suffered from all sorts of imaginary diseases, until reality caught up with her! These people are exactly like all those who moan about their lazy rascals of children suffering from 'attention deficit disorder', when all the brats need is the cane (or, better still, experience of having to work for their next meal, as millions of children in this country actually do). It is not an accident that all those I know who complain about this kind of 'suffering' never had to do any real work in their lives at least until their mid-20s...