Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Too serious to be funny?

It is said about Antony in Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra that "he was disposed to mirth, but on the sudden/ A Roman thought had struck him". I too have just been struck by a 'Roman thought'. Perhaps it is because my image is too deeply set as a solemn sort of person that too few of my readers visit this blog, and even if they do, feel uneasy about commenting on it?

If that were true, it would be sad indeed. I daresay a lot of people cannot accept the whimsical side of my character, and either haven't noticed or haven't bothered to reflect upon what I intended when I put up that quote from Bertrand Russell as a fixture on the right hand sidebar...


Shilpi said...

Hmm about the 'Roman thought'. But why should a lot of people not be able to accept your whimsical side? Didn't quite get that.

You can sound terribly solemn even when you're saying something utterly whimsical and you can sound terribly whimsical when you're talking about serious and solemn things. Shan't, for obvious reasons, run through all the combinations and permutations.

All I'll say for now is a quietly solemn, ahem - this blog rocks.

Suvro Chatterjee said...

I really don't know, myself, Shilpi; that is why I keep wondering aloud. Not only does the membership rise painfully slowly here, but so also the visit count; and as both of us can see, there is little to be said about either the number or quality of comments. Not that the statistics of the other blog are anything to write home about, but there is indeed a marked difference still. Let us see. Tanmoy warned me when I started this blog that it might prove to be too difficult to run two blogs in tandem. I have played my part of the game with gusto; now if the readership votes against it with silence and apathy, then I might sooner or later take this blog off the net...