Saturday, June 28, 2014

A woman speaking up for men

This post is essentially meant for men - and those (very few-) women who have genuinely human rather than merely feminine sensibilities: as the writer of this obviously is. My heartfelt thanks to her, though she might never know.

I am in especial sympathy for what has been said in items 8 and 7. Regarding 5 and 4, I am deeply thankful that I have never personally suffered that way, but I know a lot of fathers who have, and I feel awful for them. As I have written before, 'feminists' should have the guts to openly acknowledge that lots of women are very bad parents, and some men very good ones.

Item 1 made me smile and grimace at the same time. In a supposedly 'advanced' and 'liberated' society too, it seems, lots of little girls are being brought up by mothers who tell them to stay away from the boys because 'all boys are icky, mean, and have cooties'. Nice to know.

I am glad that women like Kelly Barkhausen-Rojahn exist, even in this day and age.


Sunandini Mukherjee said...

Dear Sir,
This is indeed a good post.The way we stereotype men is as bad as the way we used to stereotype women.I often notice grown up daughters mocking and rebuking their fathers in public and most of the times the mothers keep quiet.Men being victims of violence and rapes is also not unheard of although very little is spken about is.And I agree with Kelly Barkhausen-Rojahn when she says that remarks such as 'real men don't cry'are absolutely stupid and callous.All of this discrimination again highlights the essential need to teach children that he or she is a human being first and has an independant identity-gender comes later.This way a child learns to be humane first and then live as a man or a woman.Thankyou Sir for sharing this link.

Suvro Chatterjee said...

I am glad and grateful that you, a young woman, commented on this post first, Sunandini. Indeed, hardening stereotypes have been doing endless harm to men lately, and I am glad people in places of high authority are at last waking up to the menace. See, for instance, the recent Supreme Court directive against unwarranted arrests on flimsy grounds, here:

As I will go on insisting, the fact that men whine and scream much less does not mean that they don't suffer unfairly...
