Wednesday, December 2, 2009


I have been regularly posting on this blog for the entire course of the year, and I see this is the 43rd time I am writing here.

And yet so many people are firmly set in their opinion that I am a grumpy, grouchy old man who can neither laugh nor make people laugh...!


Shilpi said...

Wow. 43 posts in less than a year. I remember it was in Feb - Friday the 20th, that you set up this blog, and such an open delight it was to find it too......

I have laughed on countless occasions after reading the posts here but never quite as hard as I did when I found your post on '--s--' and the one on cell phones. I won't make this an endlessly long comment but there are some others, which if they didn't make me laugh uproariously - did make me smile...and there's one, which I still wonder about: why did you put it up here on this blog...

The ones I like/love the best have been penned by you. But I won't say anything more.

Do some people really think that you're a grumpy and grouchy old man? That's rather funny.

Take care and keep writing. Don't know what we would do if you didn't.

Suvro Chatterjee said...

Oh yes, a lot of people do. The sort that never bother to check out this blog, for instance, and the sort who forget all too soon how much scope for clean, good laughter they got in my classes...