Monday, June 21, 2010

Politically incorrect!

·        Brats need the cane, not fancy therapists (but of course, monsters shouldn’t masquerade as teachers, either).
·        Women can’t have their cake and eat it too. (On those terms, few would want to be 'liberated').
·        The world owes no human a living (so out of work ‘intellectuals’ shouldn’t whine).
·        There are too many scientists around these days. They add much more to confusion than to illumination. They’d have been better employed as taxi-drivers.
·        The problem with education today is that too many lazy people want to make a good living out of it, and too many unwilling people have been pushed up to high school and college, when they should have been sent out to make their own living.
·        Don’t waste your time and money on a book or movie or game until the hype has quite died away.
·        Old wisdom: a team of doctors can be deadlier than a team of hired assassins.
·        Things are badly out of kilter when criminals get more social attention and sympathy than their victims.
·        Then  again, there are too many ‘victims’ around these days: constructing their victimhood is a large-scale industry. Nobody has to be good just because it’s a woman, or a Hindu, or Black, or very young or very old or whatever.
·        We cannot all simultaneously claim to be good people and lament that corruption is taking the country to the dogs.
·        If you have too many friends, there’s probably a big emptiness inside you.
·        The more the jargon, the less the content – that’s an ironclad rule.
·        When a journo or lawyer offers lessons in morality, run. Give me politicians any time.
·        There are four kinds of people in this world: those who have nothing to eat, those who are too busy to eat, those who live lifelong as parasites, and those who have stepped off the treadmill.
·        It’s a good sign if dogs and children like you (but beware – they liked Hitler, too!).


Shilpi said...

This is brilliant.

I shouldn't add anything but I'll share a couple of tales:

A friend of mine recently told me a story. A girl joined the Ph.D program in English some years ago, and it's one of the easiest things these days - joining Ph.D programs (says something that), and was taking too long to finish (like the commentator - no excuses there but guilt and shame), but somewhere along the way she said Ta ki hoyechhe Ph.D shesh hoyni to. Bhalo engineer bor to peyechhi. "So what if I haven't gotten my Ph.D degree - I've got myself a 'good engineer husband', haven't I?"

And I was asking one girl (who was working on gender and economics) some/many years ago about the details of the wage discrepancies between men and women in the States, and asked her how exactly the wage-gap worked and what she had read about it, and all I got from her in response was Gaye kaanta dey. Bhable gaaye kaanta dey. “Oh. It gives one the goosebumps. It gives one the goosebumps just to think about it.” After three attempts I gave up.

Sociologists play it safe by not talking about morality and values. It’s probably because they don't know what these words mean.

The one about 'the four kinds of people' really gonged. Never heard of anyone putting it in quite like that...

Take care, and keep writing.

Shilpi said...

P.S: children liked Hitler, did they?...didn't know that.
Did toddlers like him too?

Not all dogs and I get along well - sort of sad thought that.

Ha! Taxi-drivers.

Arijit said...

I think that among the four kinds of people the parasites are the most dangerous because they are entirely dependent on others, cant take decisions on there own, know nothing still pretend to know everything.
I consider them to be the frogs of the well.

Suvro Chatterjee said...

I guess, from the paucity of comments here, that most readers have decided I am, in Khushwant Singh's words, "not a nice man to know"!