Monday, October 12, 2009

My love life, calculated

I saw a cartoon a while ago: husband and wife sitting in bed, scanning their mobile inboxes, and the husband saying 'Our marriage must be on the rocks... you haven't sent me an sms all day.'

Today my mobile service provider sent me one of those promotional short messages they routinely send out to millions of subscribers: for three rupees a minute, I can call up someone designated 'Love Calculator', and s/he will quiz me and let me know whether my wife loves me or not.

I cannot stop marvelling at the speed with which technology is bringing around all-round cultural progress...


Shilpi said...

Ho Ho Ho. Ha. It's called a "Love calculator"?! And for three rupees a minute too. I wonder whether there's an automated quiz and an automated message at the end of it or whether there is a real person at the other end of the line. I'd like to call and find out whether being a 'Love Calculator' pays well.
Hahaha. And I thought the internet dream dates were funny!
Good grief.
Take care. Love,

Partha Chatterjee said...

Even Bejan Darula- the renowned astrologer charges more than that to predict something as important as this. Anyway I don't think one needs a "Love Calculator" to find out whether your wife loves you are not.This is so ridiculous.

The other day i got a message on my phone informing me that they have found the man of my life. I called back at the agency to tell them that they have got it all wrong.

Take Care,

Partha Chatterjee said...

Even Bejan Darula- the renowned astrologer charges more than that to predict something as important as this. Anyway I don't think one needs a "Love Calculator" to find out whether your wife loves you are not.This is so ridiculous.

The other day i got a message on my phone informing me that they have found the man of my life. I called back at the agency to tell them that they have got it all wrong.

Take Care,