Tuesday, July 13, 2010

MLAs in helmets

My newspaper says (The Telegraph, 13th July, p. 3) that some MLAs in the Karnataka Assembly have gone to attend meetings protected by helmets, claiming they are afraid of being manhandled by some of their colleagues in the ruling party.

Parliamentary politics has always seen some degree of rough and tumble: that is supposed to be inseparable from full freedom of expression. They banned the induction of arms of any kind inside the sacred precincts long ago so that some people's representatives didn't get carried away in their enthusiasm to make their point into murdering some of their peers. Now, it seems, even bare hands and legs have started posing sufficient menace: we might soon hear about MPs and MLAs arriving to serve the people in full body armour. Who says democracy isn't flourishing in India?


Arijit said...

Though I'm not so much acquainted with politics still I would like to say something. We should give more importance to economics than politics. Economical development can only then be possible, else our country will forever remain underdeveloped.My political view depends but as today in the newspaper Kushwant Singh has rightly stated I would also say the same that instead of all these bandhs and strikes it would have been far better if the opposition party had taken measures or specified what they would do to control rising prices rather than simply blaming the government.We need to act rather than giving all this bhashans(lectures) and opt for strikes. Compare to other developed nations INDIA is still a poor country. Another thing is that we need industrialization desperately.

Suvro Chatterjee said...

I don't think you got the humour in the post, Arijit.

There is no economics without politics. Unfortunately, what happens in politics can make us cry, unless we can laugh at it. That is what I was trying to do in this blogpost...

Shilpi said...

I wonder, why helmets though. And are they regular helmets - the sort worn by motorcyclists or are they special helmets made especially for MLAs (and interested MPs)? And still the question remains - why helmets? Bare hands and legs hitting and kicking could do some damage though - that is true. But how do they expect to have any sort of a serious discussion with motorcycle helmets on their heads and who's going to take them seriously...

Maybe they should adopt your suggestion and go in with hidden body armour instead of motorcycle helmets. The helmets might prove to be cumbersome. Although motorcycle helmets could be handy missiles, if things get sticky.

It's impossible not to laugh and cry and laugh some more...
Take care.

Archishman Sarkar said...


Next time they will go in a Panzer tank, who knows they might hurl grenades and bazookas inside the assembly.


Archishman Sarkar said...

Dear Arijit,

umm.... India will remain an underdeveloped country for the next 500 years or more (If the world continues to exist till then). We don't support Bandhs, and every one of the parties which calls a strike knows that as well...just that I get an extra day to read a few more pages of my favourite books or watch a good movie. Aah..and it is popular with kids too..VERY popular.
Number of Strikes called by Political parties exceeds the number of "Rainy Day" holiday that school kids get. So strikes are "cool" not only among kids but also to the "working class" (Aah another rest day). Khushwant Singh is right in the virtuous way and the right way...but sadly (gladly) We-Will- Not-Heed (That's the motto kido..grow up).

Not that I wanted to undermine you in any way but just to point somethings out. We all have the answer the million dollar question is "Are we ready to accept and implement it?".
