Wednesday, July 21, 2010


In the aftermath of the recent train accident at Sainthia station, West Bengal, TV channels and newspapers, as is their wont, are inundating the public with all kinds of theories, more or less bizarre, about what could have gone wrong. Here is one of them. 

Heaven knows what official inquiries will eventually reveal (if anything at all - such inquiries are much better known for covering up after a mess than otherwise), but for the present, I think, the moral of the story is that you shouldn't accept tea from strangers, especially in the middle of the night! Even more especially, if you happen to be driving a train. It's not good for you.

1 comment:

Arijit said...

I would better say avoid food, tea, coffee, everything that you can from strangers and hawkers,all appears to be suspicious.
In the newspaper it's also stated that at 1:53am the Uttarbanga had rolled in for unscheduled stop. If its an unscheduled stop then from where the hell did vendors arrive? Nice suspense story, let's see what the CID has to say.That's true, investigation would take months and most probably they would alas blame Maobadi (naxalites).
At first instance,for every accident that takes place for the railways, they blame Mrs.MAMTA Banerjee as if she is the scrape goat.